WoW Archive

Shattering Strongholds (part 2)

Finding Freedom, part 4

Read part 1 here: Releasing Secrets

Read part 2 here: Reclaiming Hearts

Read part 3 here: Shattering Strongholds

In the first part of this message, we learned about the first of three types of open doors that allow the enemy access into our hearts: personal sin. We discovered how making choices to cultivate life rather than death weakens the enemy’s hold on us. We also looked at how the pattern of repentance and belief can begin to demolish enemy strongholds in our hearts.

Now we are going to wade into even deeper waters. If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to pray our Lord’s protection over your heart, mind, and spirit as you read on. The enemy hates to see believers begin to awaken to the battle and take up arms against him, especially if he’s successfully kept them in the dark to his strategies for a good long time. He will stop at nothing to turn you back from the fight, whether it’s (1) trying to convince you this is all in your mind, (2) throwing all kinds of distractions your way, or (3) stirring up a bunch of fears to terrorize you into giving up. So be on your guard: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes,” (Ephesians 6:11). The Lord has freedom for you! In time, He will make a way for you to recognize and tear down every stronghold now held against Him. Ask Him to open your eyes now, to see what He desires to show you.

Door #2: Trauma

It is one thing to recognize and accept the responsibility that our own sin opens our hearts to the enemy. It is quite another to realize that the sins of others and circumstances over which we have no control play a role, as well. Yet scarcely a person has come through life completely unscathed by trauma. Woefully, there is no escaping the reality that the enemy will use these vulnerable points to gain access to our hearts.

It is as if the traumatic event or circumstance or relationship, already so devastating in itself, serves as a sucker punch to the gut. It forces us to lower our guard. And when our guard is down, the enemy slips his foot through the door. Almost before we realize it, the deed is done, and his entry point is secured. It isn’t fair, but its effectiveness is deadly. Once the enemy has gained ground in our hearts through trauma, he will use this access to construct strongholds of bitterness, rage, unforgiveness, self-hatred, shame, and more. As personal sin is layered upon the traumatic foundation, the enemy’s hold is strengthened, the roots of evil driven deeper.

Because strongholds related to trauma are so deeply layered and complex, the strategy for addressing them will be uniquely personal to each individual. However, one thing holds true for all: getting to the root is vital when it comes to shattering enemy strongholds. Rarely does the visible manifestation tell the whole story. Consider a physical wound that has some level of scarring, but hides infection beneath the surface. It is likely tender to the touch, and the patient may shrink back from the touch of the healer. But if the desire is for wholeness, the touch must be welcomed, the wound must be cleansed, the momentary pain endured, all for the sake of lasting healing.

Again, this process needs to be undertaken prayerfully, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and in communion with fellow believers who have both the compassion and the discernment necessary to walk us through it. Asking the Lord to search our hearts and reveal to us the things He desires us to see and address is the best way to find true freedom. Only He can bring the healing, the forgiveness, and the redemption we are longing to know. Stepping into this offer of wholeness takes incredible courage, but it is more than just possible: it is the very purpose of Jesus for His Beloved … foryou!

Door #3: Generational Strongholds

If accepting trauma as a legitimate opening for the enemy is difficult, the third access point may be even more disturbing. We readily accept that physical, even emotional, traits can be passed down in families — eye and hair color, height and build, even proclivities toward alcoholism or depression — but when it comes to extending that concept to the spiritual realm, we are a bit more reluctant. For those of us who have grown up (however wrongly!) separating the God of the Old Testament from the Jesus of the New, we may find it rather offensive that God would punish us for “the sins of our fathers,” or the things our ancestors did that we had no control over. Surely the idea of a generational stronghold is as outdated the Levitical purity laws!

A more thorough understanding of the character and consistency of God will help shed light on this dilemma. As we saw earlier with God’s prohibition of personal sin, His principles are a reflection of reality. Because He knows that sin disrupts our relationship with Him and removes us from His protection, His warning against sin is born out of His great love for us. Similarly, because He knows that unrepentant sin affects not only us, but those around us — especially those in our own families — He clearly lays out the consequences. 

Consider the explanation given in the second commandment: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:4-6).

First, notice that though the generational consequences of sin are great, the generational blessings of obedience are lavishly more extensive! This is a point of hope we must keep in front of us. That we are believers today is due in no small part to the prayers and choices of generations before us, even though we may never know their names or stories. Take a moment to let that sink in; we are so truly blessed!

Now, let’s acknowledge the negative side to this. In their most simplified form, generational strongholds (or curses) are essentially open doors to the enemy that our parents and grandparents — and those before them — failed to close. They might involve personal sin patterns, traumatic events, agreements with the enemy in the acceptance of witchcraft or the occult … any combination of these will form a stronghold generationally. Like hair or eye color, or other family traits expressed in the physical realm, generational strongholds may seem to skip a generation, or manifest themselves differently in different members of the family. They can be the most difficult of all strongholds for us to identify and effectively tear down, but the benefit to persevering is unmistakeable. By God’s grace, strongholds we break today will bring freedom, not only for us, but also for our own children and for generations to come.

Recognizing we are in a fierce battle for our hearts, accepting the reality of the enemy’s strongholds, and seeking the Spirit’s revelation of them is just the beginning. Still, these steps are absolutely vital to finding the kind of freedom and fullness we seek. As we continue on this journey together, set aside some time to invite the Lord to “search and know” you, as David did in the Psalms. Make note of what He shows you, and, as He leads, share it with a trusted mentor or friend. As always, feel free to send your questions by commenting below or emailing me at I am honored to have you along on this great adventure!

I am a Spirit-born disciple of Jesus, a lover of words, and a dreamer of dreams. My heart's desire is to cultivate community among fellow Kingdom-seekers, where we can thrive in beauty, truth, and fullness of LIFE! Thank you for joining me on the journey. 💙

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