LightWater Collective

Meet Lindsey

Hi, I’m Lindsey! I am a beloved daughter, sister, student, teacher, and friend. I am also a writer, dreamer, and creative, a lover of beauty and Truth. My heart has belonged to Jesus since I was small, and He has been renewing it by His Spirit ever since. Besides reading and coffee dates with dear friends, (make mine tea!), my passion is expressing LIFE through the written word. On a typical day during the school year, you’ll find me teaching 2nd graders to support my writing habit and sharing my love for words with the next generation.

LWM: Tell us about yourself as a creative

As long as I can remember, I’ve been moved by the power of story. My desire to walk more closely with my Lord Jesus grew out of childhood stories I was reading in which the characters did just that. As I got older, the desire in me stirred to write stories that would kindle that same hunger in others. A prayer journaling workshop at a women’s conference I attended just out of high school introduced me to the idea of pouring out my heart to my Lord on the page. Over the years, some of those private entries inspired blog posts that I shared with a growing audience. Recently, God has opened doors for me to collaborate with other like-hearted writers in bringing my long-cherished dream of LightWater Mission to life. I am eager to see where He takes us!

LWM: What do you do when the well starts running dry?

For me, getting outdoors is ideal, especially if it involves water, trees, and sunlight. Surrounding myself with the evidence of the Creator’s work is both calming and inspirational. Diving into the work of other creatives—reading well-crafted books, listening to powerful, anointed worship music—is beneficial, too. Sometimes, getting my creative juices flowing through other veins helps. I’ve been known to pull out a coloring book, work on a hand lettering project, even photograph the flowers on my balcony … anything with the beauty, color, and fragrance of LIFE can stir the creativity in me when it seems it’s been lost.

LWM: What brings you to LightWater Mission?

Maybe a dozen years ago, I was getting ready to leave the Rocky Mountain retreat I’d found myself in during grad school and return home to the MidWest. Walking along the river trail just behind campus, gazing at distant foothills, I felt God first drop the name LightWater Mission into my spirit. Other than believing it would have something to do with ministry among women, I had no idea what it would be. Gradually, other words and ideas grew around the initial concept, and, more than once, I sought to launch some version of LWM. Each time, though, the Lord required me to surrender it back into His hands. His perfect timing was not yet full; He was still preparing me to hold the gift He had in mind.

Finally, I saw my twin loves for writing and ministry merge, as the Spirit revealed the form He desired LightWater Mission to take. My personal blog and email writing campaign were about to expand into a ministry site, sustained by a team of writers and creatives with a shared passion for encouraging and challenging other women in the Way. This is nothing like the LWM I first envisioned, and yet everything I know my Lord has been calling me into. I am thrilled to be standing here on the threshold at last!

LWM: What message would you like to share with our readers?

“For YOU are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.”

Psalm 36:9 NLT (emphasis added)

Our God is the fountain of LIFE, the Living Water, the LIGHT that breaks through the darkness! No matter how dry and dreary your current road seems, Jesus is the source for your refreshment and revelation; He is on a mission to set your heart fully free. Press more closely into our Lord, dear ones! The story He is writing about you will be well worth telling.

Keep looking up!

I am a Spirit-born disciple of Jesus, a lover of words, and a dreamer of dreams. My heart's desire is to cultivate community among fellow Kingdom-seekers, where we can thrive in beauty, truth, and fullness of LIFE! Thank you for joining me on the journey. 💙

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