• LightWater Collective

    Meet Sara

    My name is Sara! I am from a small town in southern Indiana but currently live in Indianapolis and have for the last five years. I have walked many paths in my 26 years of life, but my most favorite and precious one has been with my heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. I have been set free from some dark things in my life and I love sharing with people that they also can have access to the same freedom! I am a quiet person and enjoy what people often call the “simple things” in life. I am a lover of all animals but especially horses. One of my…

  • LightWater Collective

    Meet Morgan

    Hi, I am Morgan! I’m married to my high school sweetheart and we have four amazing children whom we homeschool. Before kids I was a wedding photographer until God closed the doors to my business, (a story for another time), and directed me to stay at home with my children. I have found great joy tending to my family whilst also being stretched in new ways to depend on the Lord. I’m a barefoot, book-in-hand, outdoors kind-of gal, and recently I’ve been learning to improve my gardening skills!  I love reading the Bible and am passionate about sharing what God teaches me through His word as I, by His grace,…

  • LightWater Collective

    Meet Rose

        Welcome fellow warriors of the King!     My name is Rose, I am 25 going on 90, and I love lifting the banner of my Captain: King Jesus.     By nature, I am a Jill of All Trades. Growing up in a homeschool environment, I was encouraged to develop and chase my God-given giftings and continue challenging myself. I have both taken and taught ballet, Irish dance, and lyrical dance. Professionally I have done photography, farming, nannying, martial arts, and landscaping, among many other things. Currently I work and train at a gun range and run my own landscaping business.      I discovered my passion for writing around 8 years old, and have…

  • LightWater Collective

    Meet Lindsey

    Hi, I’m Lindsey! I am a beloved daughter, sister, student, teacher, and friend. I am also a writer, dreamer, and creative, a lover of beauty and Truth. My heart has belonged to Jesus since I was small, and He has been renewing it by His Spirit ever since. Besides reading and coffee dates with dear friends, (make mine tea!), my passion is expressing LIFE through the written word. On a typical day during the school year, you’ll find me teaching 2nd graders to support my writing habit and sharing my love for words with the next generation. LWM: Tell us about yourself as a creative As long as I can…

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